Writing Community

Suffer (and rejoice) in company

The Sunday Write-In

The Deal

Vibe Notes

Most Sundays I host a NaNoWriMo-style write-in over Zoom. We do two thirty-minute writing sprints with a break between for coffee refills and writerly commiseration. It’s casual, drop-in, drop-out—whatever your writerly heart needs that day.

When? Sundays 10:00am PT

Craft/shop talk welcome. We particularly love unusual revision exercises.

Open to writers of all ilks and genres. If you string words together and want some structured writing time, this is for you.

Reminder: celebrate successes, whether they're yours or others’.

Critiquing writing by established authors is fine and dandy, but let’s err on the side of excitement and positivity for new, aspiring, and rising authors.

Sound like your jam? Contact me to learn more.